David Cranford, Ph.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
1800 Town Center Drive, Suite 420, Reston VA 20190
Phone: 240-303-2141 Fax: 703-662-0544 Email: david@davidcranford.net
Keep it Confidential
Your Personal Privacy
The clients I see in therapy are successful men and women including health care professionals, attorneys, corporate executives, business owners, federal government workers, clergy, entertainers, and other adults with busy lifestyles and demanding careers. Many hold very high security clearances or are considered “high profile” citizens. I take your personal privacy and the confidentiality of our work together quite seriously, and have developed a very strong therapy privacy policy to ensure your anonymity. I share an office in a suite with other medical professionals so please let me know if there are some privacy considerations prior to your visit.
I am responsible for handling all of my own telephone calls, billing, and maintain my own files. Voice mail is password protected and retrieved electronically and not by answering machine. The office suite is even set up so that my office is close to the exit.
I speak to no one about you unless I have your permission and authorization to do so. This might be to coordinate psychological care with your referring physician. Under such circumstances I will have you sign a form that authorizes consent for such communication to take place. I cannot even speak to your spouse, life partner, family, or friends without your permission. There are certain circumstances where I must breach confidentiality, which have to do with your own personal safety and/or the safety of others. Please review the limitations of confidentiality that I have documented for you.
Limitations of Confidentiality
In general, the law protects the confidentiality of all communications between a client and a psychotherapist. Information is not disclosed without written permission. However, there are a number of exceptions to this rule. Exceptions include:
Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse. The therapist is required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
If a patient is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s. The therapist must notify the police and inform the intended victim.
If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The therapist will do everything possible to enlist their cooperation in insuring their safety. If they do not cooperate, further measures may be taken without their permission in order to ensure their safety.
Court Orders: Health care professionals are required by law to release records of clients when a court order has been placed.
My Private Practice Social Media Policy
This document outlines my office policies related to use of Social Media. Please read it to understand how I conduct myself on the Internet as a mental health professional and how you can expect me to respond to various interactions that may occur between us on the Internet. If you have any questions about anything within this document, I encourage you to bring them up when we meet. As new technology develops and the Internet changes, there may be times when I need to update this policy. If I do so, I will notify you in writing of any policy changes and make sure you have a copy of the updated policy.